How to remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones: 7 Secret Tips

Fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions have become very popular in the world of beauty and makeup.

They are a quick and stylish way to get beautiful, fluttery eyelashes.

Even though these add-ons can make you look better, you must be careful when putting them on and, more importantly, when taking them off.

Those who wear fake eyelashes have a clear problem: how do you remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones?

In this detailed guide, we’ll talk about removing fake eyelashes without hurting the real ones underneath.

As we go through this process, we’ll also learn how to protect your natural lashes and answer the question everyone wants to know: do eyelashes grow back?

Remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones

I. Getting to Know the Basics

Different kinds of fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions

You have a lot of choices when it comes to making your eyelashes look better.

For good removal and care, you need to know the differences between these options:

1. Strip Lashes:

Strip lashes are lash strips that are already made and come in different styles and lengths.

They are made to be put on the whole lash line and are usually held in place with lash glue.

2. Individual eyelashes:

Extensions are single-lash hairs on the top of your natural lashes.

This extension gives your eyes a more natural look.

Most of the time, a professional does them with special glue.

3. Cluster Lashes:

Small groups of lash hairs are connected to a single base to make cluster lashes.

They make your hair look bigger and are put on with glue. 

4. Magnetic Lashes:

These eyelashes have tiny magnets that stick to magnetic eyeliner.

They can be used more than once and don’t need glue.

Each type of fake eyelash or extension has unique qualities that will affect how you should safely remove them.

The glue that fake eyelashes and extensions stick to

The glue used for fake eyelashes and extensions is a key part of removing them.

There are mainly two kinds of glue:

1. Water-Based Adhesive: 

Water-based glue is usually used for strip lashes because it is easy to remove.

It breaks down when it comes into contact with water or makeup cleaner.

2. Cyanoacrylate Adhesive: 

Cyanoacrylate adhesive is used to glue on individual eyelash extensions because it is stronger and lasts longer than other glues.

It makes a link easier to break with the right tool.

How important is it for removal methods to be gentle?

Your natural lashes and the skin around your eyes are delicate, so it’s important to use gentle cleaning methods.

Why does it matter?

1. Preventing Damage:  

If you pull them off too roughly or quickly, your natural lashes could break or fall out.

Be kind and treat them gently.

2. Avoiding Irritation:

Aggressive removal methods can cause redness, swelling, or even an allergic reaction in the sensitive skin around your eyes.

3. Preserving Extensions

If you have eyelash extensions, you can ensure they come off without damaging your natural lashes by taking them off with care.

In the following parts, we’ll look at the steps for removing fake eyelashes and extensions with care and precision so that your natural lashes don’t hurt and your eyes stay healthy and comfy.

II. Getting ready for the move

Get the supplies you need

Before removing your fake eyelashes or extensions, you must ensure you have the right tools and products.

It will make the process go smoothly and quickly.

Here are the most important things you will need:

1. Eyelash Glue Remover:

Choose a good-quality eyelash glue remover that works with your lashes.

Make sure it is made for the glue you are using, whether it is water-based or based on cyanoacrylate.

2. Cotton pads or swabs: 

These will be your main tools for applying the adhesive remover and gently wiping away the broken glue.

Please ensure they are clean and free of lint so you don’t get irritated.

3. A Clean, Soft Towel:

You’ll need a clean towel to pat your face dry after removing the mask.

It’s also useful for any spills or messes that happen out of the glue.

Make sure your office is clean.

The area must be clean and well-organized to ensure the moving process goes smoothly. Why does it matter?

1. Sanitation:

If your workspace is clean, you are less likely to get dirt, germs, or other contaminants in your eyes.

This sanitation lowers your risk of getting an illness or soreness.

2. Efficiency: 

A clean area makes it easy to get to your supplies, which keeps the cleaning process from taking too long or going wrong.

3. Safety:

Ensuring your area is well-lit and free of things that could get in the way lowers the chance of accidents, like knocking over the glue cleaner.

Before you start:

  • Get rid of anything that isn’t needed.
  • Lay out your tools neatly.
  • Ensure there is enough light to see what you’re doing.

The face and hands should be washed:

It’s important to keep things clean when working with sensitive eye areas.

Here’s why it’s important to wash your hands and face:

1. Cleanliness: 

When you wash your hands, you get rid of any dirt, oils, or other contaminants that could get on your eyes when you take off your contacts.

2. Reduced Risk of Infection: 

If your hands are clean, you are less likely to get dangerous germs or irritants in your eyes.

It makes it less likely that you will get sick or feel bad.

3. Better Adhesive Remover Performance:

If your face is clean, makeup or oils won’t affect how well the adhesive remover works.

Use cold water and a gentle cleaner without any scent to wash your face.

Make sure not to rub or pull at your eyelashes as you dry your face with a clean towel.

Remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones

III. How to Safely remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones

Step-by-step instructions for taking off strip lashes

People who want to change their eyelashes quickly often choose strip lashes.

Follow these steps to get rid of them safely and keep your natural lashes in good shape:

1. Put on the adhesive remover:

Start by putting an eyelash glue cleaner on a cotton swab or pad.

Apply the remover carefully and gently along the lash line, ensuring it touches the glue that holds the strip lashes in place.

2. Wait for the glue to break down.

Take your time with the glue remover.

Give it some time to work. Most of the time, it takes about a minute or two for the glue to soften and break down.

During this waiting time, don’t tug or pull on your eyelashes.

3. Peel off the fake eyelashes gently.

Gently grab one end of the strip lash with your fingers or a pair of pliers.

Carefully peel the strip away from your natural lashes, starting at the outer corner and working your way in.

If someone says no, don’t try to force them. Add more glue remover and wait a little longer.

4. Clean off any remaining glue.

Even after you remove the strip lashes, some glue might still be on your eyelids.

Use an adhesive remover on a clean cotton swab or pad to gently remove any leftover glue.

Do the job well, but don’t rub or irritate the skin too much.

How to Remove Individual Eyelash Extensions, Step-by-Step

To avoid hurting your natural eyelashes, you must be more careful when taking off individual eyelash extensions.

Do these things:

1. Use an adhesive remover made just for eyelash extensions:

Ensure you have a safe and effective glue cleaner for your eyelash extensions.

These removers are made to break down the stronger, cyanoacrylate-based glue used for extensions.

2. Use a cotton pad to put the remover on.

Put a few drops of the extension glue remover on a clean cotton pad that doesn’t have any lint on it.

Make sure the cleaner is not running off the pad.

3. Press the pad gently against the base of the extensions.

Close your eyes and place the wet cotton pad where the glue is at the base of your extensions.

Be careful not to let the cleaner touch your eyes directly.

4. Let the extensions get slack.

It could take a few minutes for the glue to break down and the extensions to come free.

Be patient, and don’t give in to the urge to pull them off too soon.

5. Remove extensions gently with tweezers.

Once the extensions have become loose, use tweezers to pull each one off at a time.

Start in the corner on the outside and work your way in.

If an extension is hard to remove, repeat the glue remover and wait a little longer.

Stress the importance of being patient and kind during the process.

Whether removing a strip of lashes or individual extensions, you must be patient and gentle to protect your natural lashes.

If you hurry or use too much force, you could hurt or bother your eyelashes.

Talk about common mistakes and how to keep from making them.

Some common mistakes made when removing eyelashes are:

1. Pulling or tugging:  

Don’t pull too hard on your lashes or extensions. Let the adhesive remover do what it’s supposed to do.

2. Using the wrong remover: 

Make sure you have the right remover for the glue on your lips.

3. Skipping the waiting time:

 Take your time; let the glue dissolve completely before trying to take it off.

4. Rubbing or scrubbing:

Be gentle when wiping away sticky residue to keep your skin from getting irritated.

5. Forgetting to clean the lash band:

If you want to use the strip lashes again, clean the band after removing them to remove any leftover glue.

By following these steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can safely and successfully remove fake eyelashes or extensions while maintaining the health and beauty of your natural lashes.

IV. Other ways to get rid of fake eyelashes

Will Vaseline get rid of fake eyelashes?

Some people have tried unusual ways to remove fake eyelashes, like Vaseline.

Here, we’ll talk about the idea of using Vaseline as a different way to remove:

1. Explanation of how Vaseline can be used as an alternative:

Vaseline, a famous petroleum jelly brand, is sometimes used instead of glue removers to remove fake eyelashes.

The idea is to put a little Vaseline along the lash line, softening the glue and making it easier to slide off the fake eyelashes.

2. Vaseline has both pros and cons.


Easy to find and cheap.

It can soften the glue, making it easier to remove.

It is less likely to cause allergic reactions than removers that use chemicals.


It wasn’t made to remove lash glue, so it might not work as well as removers made for that purpose.

It can be messy and might make your makeup run.

Talking about how safe it is to use Vaseline

It might take more time and work than glue removers.

When using anything near the eyes, safety is the most important thing.

Here’s how to make sure it’s safe to use Vaseline to remove fake eyelashes:

Patch Test:

Before putting Vaseline around your eyes, do a patch test on a small, unnoticeable part of your face to see if you have any allergies or bad responses.

– Don’t Get Vaseline in Your Eyes:

Be very careful to keep Vaseline from getting in your eyes. If it does, thoroughly wash your eyes with clean water.

Use as Little as Possible:

 Use a very small amount of Vaseline so that it doesn’t get all over your face and into your eyes.

Advice on how to use Vaseline most effectively

If you choose Vaseline as your favorite way to remove fake eyelashes, here are some tips for how to do it well and safely:

– Clean the Lash Line:

Before you put Vaseline on, ensure your lash line is clean and free of any makeup or other products.

Before you start taking it off, gently wash your face.

-Apply Vaseline carefully:

Use a cotton swab or a small brush to spread a thin layer of Vaseline along the lash line where the fake eyelashes are connected.

-Be patient:

 Let the vaseline sit for a few minutes to soften the glue. Take your time with this.

– Carefully remove the fake eyelashes:

Once the glue has weakened, slide the fake eyelashes off your real eyelashes. If you need to, use a pair of tweezers.

– Thoroughly clean:

After removing the bandage, wash your face to remove any leftover Vaseline and glue.

Make sure there is no Vaseline left on your eyelids or eyelashes.

Vaseline can be an alternative way to remove fake eyelashes, but it may take more time and care than a special glue cleaner.

Remember that the safety of your eyes and the health of your natural lashes are the most important things, so be careful and be ready to use regular glue removers if needed.

V. Taking care of your natural eyelashes

How long do eyelashes take to grow?

To know how to protect your natural lashes, you need to understand how they grow.

Like all hair, natural eyebrows go through a cycle of growing, resting, and falling out. There are three parts to this cycle:

1. This is the main growth part of the eyelash, and it can last anywhere from 30 to 45 days.

During this phase, your eyelashes grow all the time.

2. Catagen (Transition Phase): The catagen phase is a short change that lasts about two weeks.

During this time, the eyelash stops growing and starts to separate from the hair shaft.

3. The telogen phase is the resting phase, which lasts about 100 days.

The eyelash is dormant and finally falls out, allowing a new eyelash to grow.

When you understand this cycle, you can see how important it is to protect your real eyelashes, especially after taking off fake eyelashes or extensions.

How to Take Care of Your Eyelashes After Getting Them Removed

Once you’ve safely removed your fake eyelashes or extensions, taking good care of your natural lashes is important to keep them healthy and strong.

These are the ways to protect your natural lashes:

1. Putting on mascara or castor oil:

– You could use lash cream or pure castor oil to feed and strengthen your natural lashes.

– Most lash serums have proteins, vitamins, and conditioning agents to help your lashes grow and get thicker.

Castor oil is a natural oil that helps hair grow.

Before bed, use a clean mascara stick or a cotton swab to apply a small amount to your eyelashes.

2. Avoiding Too Much Mascara and Curling Your Eyelashes:

– Don’t use a lot of makeup or curl your eyelashes for a few days or weeks after you take off fake lashes or extensions.

Using too much or shaping your lashes too often can make them weak and tense, which could stop them from growing.

Answering the Question, “Do Eyelashes Grow Back?”

When people remove fake eyelashes or extensions, one of their biggest worries is whether their real eyelashes will grow back.

Most of the time, the answer is yes:

Eyelashes will naturally go through a growth cycle; as they shed, new ones will grow to replace them.

However, each person’s growth rate differs, and new lashes may take a few weeks to grow completely.

Using lash serums or castor oil and not putting too much stress on your eyelashes can help them grow back faster and healthier.

– Talk to a dermatologist or ophthalmologist if you lose lashes in a strange way or for a long time after taking off fake lashes or extensions.

It could be a sign of a deeper problem.

Remember that the best way to ensure your natural lashes stay strong, healthy, and beautiful over time is to take good care of them.

Your natural lashes will look better and grow back faster if you take care of them with patience and consistency after you remove them.


How do you remove fake eyelashes without ruining your real ones

The answer is:

Follow these steps to take off fake eyelashes without hurting your real ones:

1. Apply a glue remover along the lash line to start.

2. Let the glue melt for about a minute or two.

3. Peel the fake eyelashes off gently, starting at the outside corner and working your way in.

4. To keep your natural lashes from getting broken, be patient and don’t tug or pull on them.

5. Any leftover glue should be cleaned with a cotton pad or swab that has been soaked in the cleaner.

How do you take off fake eyelashes without hurting the real ones?

The answer is:

Care and time are needed to remove eyelash extensions without hurting your natural lashes:

1. Use a glue cleaner that is made for eyelash extensions.

2. Use a cotton pad to put the remover on the base of the extensions.

3. Give the extensions a few minutes to loosen up.

4. Using tweezers, carefully pull out each growth one at a time, starting from the corner of the eye.

5. Don’t pull or push on the extensions; be patient as you work.

6. Cleanse your eyelashes and lids to remove any glue left behind.

Will Vaseline get rid of false eyelashes?

The answer is:

Yes, you can use Vaseline as a different way to take off fake eyelashes.

Applying a small amount of Vaseline along the lash line will soften the glue and make it easier to slide off the fake eyelashes.

But it might not work as well as professional glue removers and might take more time and work.

How do you take off glued-on fake eyelashes?

The answer is:

Follow these steps to get rid of glued-on fake eyelashes:

1. Use a glue stripper along the line of your eyelashes.

2. Wait a minute or two so the glue can break down.

3. Peel the fake eyelashes off gently, starting at the outside corner and working your way in.

4. Soak a cotton pad or swab in the cleaner to remove any leftover glue.

Is Vaseline safe to use on eyelashes?

The answer is:

Most of the time, using Vaseline to remove eyelashes near the eyes is safe.

But it would help if you were careful not to get Vaseline in your eyes.

If you get it in your eyes, wash them with clean water.

Before putting Vaseline near your eyes, you should also do a patch test on a small part of your skin to see if you have any allergy reactions or sensitive skin.

Do eyelashes keep growing?

The answer is:

Eyelashes do grow back, so yes. Like other hair, eyelashes have a growth cycle that includes times when they grow, rest, and fall out.

Your old eyelashes will gradually give way to new ones as time goes on.

People grow at different rates, but with proper care and time, healthy eyelashes will grow back on their own.

If you lose lashes in a strange way or for a long time, you should see a doctor or ophthalmologist for advice because it could be a sign of a deeper problem.

We often look for fake eyelashes and extensions to make us look more beautiful. 

Yet, as we’ve seen in this thorough guide, the way to better lashes is to use care and caution when putting them on and, most importantly, when taking them off.

As we say goodbye to our artificial eyelash changes, we should remember that our natural eyelashes are the real stars.

It is important to know how they grow, how to care for them after being cut off, and how to deal with worries about how they’ll grow back or keep them healthy and beautiful. 

We can ensure that the shift from fake to natural beauty is safe by using slow and gentle methods, like the step-by-step guides.

Whether you choose a special glue cleaner or try something different like Vaseline, remember that your eyes and lashes deserve the best care.

We must also say that the question, “Do eyelashes grow back?” is beautiful.

The answer is yes, they do. Like the seasons, our eyelashes grow back, giving us a chance to start over and change.

With the right care and upkeep, they will grow back even better than before.

On this trip, we’ve learned how to dance between the beauty of fake eyelashes and our ease.

When you go on your next lash trip, may you have the sense to protect, care for, and enjoy the beauty of your natural lashes.

Now that you know this you can accept your unique beauty with confidence and ease, one flutter at a time.

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