How to Remove Fake Eyelashes with Hair Glue: The Expert Guide

Removing fake eyelashes can be a daunting task, especially when they are glued with hair glue. Improper removal can cause damage to your natural lashes, which is why you need to know the safest and most effective methods. This guide will share expert tips and step-by-step instructions to remove fake eyelashes with hair glue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Removing fake eyelashes glued with hair glue requires special care and precautions.
  •  The steam method and oil-based makeup removers are safe and effective ways to loosen and dissolve the adhesive.
  •  Following proper aftercare instructions is crucial to keeping your natural lashes healthy.
  •  If the above techniques don’t work, there are alternative methods to consider

Understanding Hair Glue and Its Effects on Fake Eyelashes

If you’ve ever used hair glue to attach your false lashes, you know how strong and long-lasting it can be. But what makes hair glue different from regular eyelash adhesive, and how does it affect your lashes?

Hair glue removal hacks can be tricky, as the adhesive is designed to last for weeks, if not months. The glue’s stronghold can make it difficult to remove your false lashes without damaging your natural ones.

When it comes to expert tips for removing false lashes with hair glue, you’ll want to pay attention to the glue’s composition and the tools you use to remove it.

Tip: Although hair glue is a strong adhesive, it’s important to avoid using sharp or abrasive tools to remove it, as these can damage your natural lashes and the delicate skin around your eyes.

So, what makes hair glue different from other adhesives? Generally, hair glue is made from a combination of rubber latex and acrylic polymer, which creates a flexible and long-lasting bond. This bond is much stronger than regular eyelash adhesive and is designed to be gentle and easy to remove.

When removing false lashes glued with hair glue, it’s important to use gentle and safe techniques to avoid damaging your natural lashes.

Preparation for Fake Eyelash Removal

Before jumping into the removal process, preparing your lashes and gathering the necessary tools is essential. Proper preparation will ensure that you can remove your fake lashes safely and effectively without damaging your natural lashes.

Cleanse Your Lashes

Start by cleaning your lashes thoroughly with a gentle cleanser or makeup remover. This step will remove any makeup, dirt, or oil that may interfere with the removal process. Remove any mascara or eyeliner you may have applied to your fake lashes.

Gather Your Tools

Next, gather the tools you’ll need for the removal process. This can include:

  • Q-tips or cotton swabs
  •  Eyelash curler
  •  Tweezers
  •  Oil-based makeup remover
  •  Eyelash adhesive remover
  •  Warm water

Create a Workspace

Make sure you have a comfortable and well-lit workspace where you can perform the removal process. You may also want to place a towel or tissue under your eyes to catch any glue or adhesive that may fall during the process.

Protect Your Natural Lashes

Protect your natural lashes by placing some petroleum jelly on them. This is why the glue won’t stick to them during removal. Be sure not to apply too much, as this may interfere with the removal process.

With these simple steps, you’ll be ready to begin removing your fake lashes safely and without causing any damage to your natural lashes.

Steam Method to Remove Fake Eyelashes with Hair Glue

The steam method is a great option if you’re looking for a safe and effective way to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use this technique:

  1. Boil water in a pot and let it sit for a few minutes to cool down slightly.
  2.  Hold your face above the pot, making sure to keep a safe distance to avoid burning yourself.
  3.  Put a towel over your head to keep the steam in, and hold your lashes over the steam for about 10 minutes.
  4.  Pull off the lashes with tweezers or fingers, beginning at the outside corner of your eye and working your way in.

Avoid pulling too hard or pulling on the eyelashes, as this can damage your natural lashes. Instead, take your time and be gentle throughout the process.

Once you’ve removed the lashes, use a cotton pad or Q-tip to apply a water-based makeup remover to your eyelids to remove any remaining glue.

Why the Steam Method Works

The steam’s heat helps to loosen the hair glue adhesive, making it easier to remove the lashes. It’s a safe and gentle technique that won’t damage your natural lashes or the delicate skin around your eyes.

Benefits of the Steam Method

The steam method is a safe and effective way to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue. Here are some of the benefits:

  • It’s gentle on your natural lashes and skin
  •  It’s easy to do at home with basic supplies
  •  It’s a cost-effective alternative to buying specialized eyelash removers

The steam method is a great option for safely and effectively removing fake eyelashes glued with hair glue. Give it a try and see how it works for you!

Oil-Based Makeup Remover for Hair Glue Removal

Using an oil-based makeup remover can be an effective way to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue. Here’s a step-by-step guide to safely and effectively taking off your lashes:

Wash your hands well first to keep dirt or germs from getting on your eyes.

Put a little of the oil-based makeup remover on a cotton pad. Please close your eyes and hold the pad against them for 20 seconds to let the removal soak in.

A gentle swipe on the cotton pad will remove the fake eyelash strip. If you are reluctant, use cleaner and wait a few seconds before trying again.

Could you do it again with your other eye?

After taking off both lashes, use a clean cotton pad to get rid of any glue that is still on your skin.

  1. Wash your face with a soft mask to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil.
  2.  Finish by applying a nourishing eye cream to soothe and rejuvenate your natural lashes.

It’s important to note that oil-based makeup removers can sometimes be too harsh for those with oily or acne-prone skin. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts, opt for a gentler remover or a different removal method.

With this step-by-step guide, you can use an oil-based makeup cleaner to safely and effectively remove fake eyelashes stuck on with hair glue. Remember to be careful and take your time to avoid hurting your natural eyelashes.

Using an Eyelash Adhesive Remover

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue, an eyelash adhesive remover might be your best bet. Here are some expert tips for using this method:

  1. Choose a good-quality remover. Not all lash adhesive removers are equal. Look for a product designed for removing lash glue that is safe for use around the eyes.
  2.  Apply the remover carefully. Use a cotton swab or a micro-brush to apply the remover to the base of the fake lashes. Be sure to avoid getting any product in your eyes.
  3.  Wait for the remover to work. Most lash adhesive removers need around 30 seconds to dissolve the glue. Avoid rubbing or pulling the lashes during this time, which could make them fall out too soon.
  4.  Gently remove the lashes: Once the glue has dissolved, use a clean cotton swab or a pair of tweezers to lift the fake lashes off your natural lashes. If the lashes don’t come off easily, apply some more remover and wait a few more seconds.
  5.  Cleanse your lashes: After removing the false lashes, cleanse your lashes thoroughly to remove any residual lash adhesive remover and glue.
  6.  Moisturize your lashes: After cleansing, apply a nourishing lash serum or oil to moisturize and condition your natural lashes. This will help keep them from getting dry and broken.

One of the main benefits of using an eyelash adhesive remover is that it is a gentle and non-invasive method of removing fake lashes. However, it may not be as effective as other hair glue removal hacks discussed. If you’re having trouble removing your fake lashes with this method, don’t worry – there are plenty of other techniques to try.

Soaking Method for Hair Glue Removal

If you’re looking for a gentle and safe method to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue, the soaking method is for you. This technique involves soaking your lashes in warm water to soften the hair glue adhesive, allowing you to remove the lashes without any damage to your natural lashes.

Follow this step-by-step guide to take off fake lashes with hair glue using the soaking method:

  1. Fill a small bowl with warm water. Ensure the water is not too hot, as it irritates your eyes.
  2.  Close your eyes and dip a cotton pad into the warm water.
  3.  Press the wet cotton pad onto your closed eyes, ensuring it covers your lashes and the hair glue adhesive.
  4.  Leave the cotton pad on your eyes for 15-20 minutes, allowing the warm water to soften the glue.
  5.  After 15-20 minutes, gently remove the cotton pad from your eyes.
  6.  Wipe off any left with a clean cotton pad—hair glue adhesive.
  7.  Repeat the process if necessary until all fake lashes are removed.

Remember to be gentle when removing the lashes because pulling too hard can hurt your natural lashes. Stop immediately if you experience discomfort during the process and seek professional help.

Soaking is one of the safe methods to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue. Try it out and experience hassle-free lash removal!

Precautions and Aftercare for Removing Fake Eyelashes

Removing fake lashes glued with hair glue can be daunting, but with our expert hair glue removal techniques for fake eyelashes, you are now equipped to take them off safely and effectively. However, it would help to always take precautions before, during, and after removal to ensure your natural lashes aren’t damaged.

Pre-Removal Precautions

Before you begin the removal process, ensure you have all the necessary tools, including a mirror, tweezers, cotton swabs, oil-based makeup remover, lash adhesive remover, and warm water. It’s also a good idea to check for any possible allergic responses to the remover products with a patch test. Apply a small amount of the remover to your arm or behind your ear and wait 24 hours. If you experience any redness or irritation, do not use the product on your eyes.

Removal Precautions

When removing fake lashes, be gentle and avoid pulling too hard, as this can damage your natural lashes. Use your tweezers to grip the lashes at the base and slowly pull them off. To overcome any resistance, apply more remover and let it take a few more seconds to work. Ensure that no remover gets into your eyes.

Post-Removal Care

After removing your fake lashes, take extra care of your natural lashes by applying a lash serum or nourishing oil. Avoid using any harsh products or rubbing your eyes too hard. Give your lashes time to recover before applying new fake lashes or mascara.

Do’s Don’ts

Be gentle when removing fake lashes. Use oil-based makeup or lash adhesive remover to break down the hair glue adhesive. Apply lash serum or nourishing oil after removal. Pull too hard when removing fake lashes. Get remover products in your eyes or rub your eyes too hard after removal.

Remember, taking proper precautions and giving your natural lashes the aftercare they deserve is as important as removing the fake lashes themselves.

By following these tips on removing fake lashes safely and effectively, you can enjoy beautiful ones while protecting your natural lashes from damage.

Alternative Methods for Fake Eyelash Removal

If the methods we have discussed so far don’t work for you, don’t worry. Here are some alternative hair glue removal hacks and expert tips for removing false lashes with hair glue:

  • Cotton swab: Dip a cotton swab in makeup remover or coconut oil and gently rub it along the lash line to loosen the hair glue. Once the glue is loose, gently pull the fake lashes off.
  •  Use an ice pack or cold compress on the eyelids for a few minutes to numb the area. Then, gently pull off the fake lashes from the lash line.
  •  Warm water: Soak a cotton ball and place it on your closed eyes for a few minutes to soften the hair glue. Gently pull the fake lashes off once the glue is loosened.

Remember, when trying out any alternative methods, be gentle and avoid any harsh pulling or tugging that can cause harm to your natural lashes.


Congratulations! You have now learned the best hair glue removal techniques for fake eyelashes and expert tips for removing false lashes with hair glue. We hope this guide has provided you the self-assurance to confidently and securely remove your fake lashes without harming your lashes in the process.

Proper preparation, technique, and aftercare ensure a successful removal process. Always be gentle with your lashes and avoid pulling or tugging, which can damage your natural lashes.

Don’t hesitate to try alternative removal methods if the initial techniques don’t work. With these methods, you can enjoy your beautiful lashes while keeping your natural lashes healthy and undamaged.

Thank you for reading, and happy lash removal!


Can I remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue without damaging my natural lashes?

Yes, by following our step-by-step instructions and expert tips, you can safely remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue without causing any damage to your natural lashes.

How does hair glue affect fake eyelashes?

Strong adhesives like hair glue may secure fake eyelashes. Removing lashes glued with hair glue requires extra care and precautions to avoid damage.

What should I do to prepare for fake eyelash removal?

Proper preparation includes gathering the necessary tools and ensuring the lashes are clean and dry before attempting the removal process.

How can I use steam to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

The steam method involves loosening the hair glue adhesive and gently removing the fake lashes. We will guide you through the step-by-step process.

Can I use an oil-based makeup remover to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

Yes, oil-based makeup removers can effectively break down the hair glue adhesive. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use it safely.

What is an eyelash adhesive remover, and how can I use it to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

Eyelash adhesive removers, including hair glue, are specially designed to dissolve lash glues. We will explain how to use them and share some tips for successful removal.

How can I use the soaking method to remove fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

The soaking method involves gently soaking your lashes in warm water to soften the hair glue adhesive. We will provide you with the necessary steps for safe and effective removal.

What precautions should I take before, during, and after removing fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

Taking precautions is crucial to protect your natural lashes. We will share important tips and aftercare instructions to ensure your lashes stay healthy and undamaged.

Are there alternative methods for removing fake eyelashes glued with hair glue?

If the above techniques don’t work for you, we will discuss alternative methods, giving you multiple options.

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