How to Remove Glued-On Fake Eyelashes?

Are you tired of struggling to remove glued-on fake eyelashes? Do you end up damaging your natural lashes in the process? Removing glued-on fake eyelashes can be daunting, especially if you’re unsure where to start.

In this section, we will guide you through the process of safely and easily removing fake eyelashes without causing any harm to your eyes or natural lashes. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, these tips and tricks will help you achieve a hassle-free removal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Removing fake eyelashes doesn’t have to be difficult or damaging to your natural lashes.
  •  Following the proper steps and gathering the necessary supplies can help achieve a successful removal.
  •  Using a gentle eye makeup remover and not tugging or pulling too hard can prevent damage to your lashes.
  • After removal, cleaning and moisturizing your lashes can promote growth and keep them healthy.
  •  There are common mistakes to avoid and troubleshooting tips to address problems during the removal process.

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before removing your glued-on eyelashes, ensure you have the necessary supplies available. This will make the process smoother and easier for you.

Supplies: Description

Gentle Eye Makeup Remover: A remover specifically designed for the eyes, as it’s gentle and won’t irritate your eyes

Cotton pads or balls: They are useful for applying the eye remover and gently removing the glue.

Clean Towel: Useful for drying your face and eyes after the removal process

Lash Adhesive Remover (Optional): It is useful if the glue on your eyelashes is stubborn and difficult to remove with just the makeup remover.

Having these supplies available will make removing your fake eyelashes much easier.

Note: You can substitute olive or coconut oil if you don’t have a lash adhesive remover. Both oils help break down adhesive and make it easier to remove your fake eyelashes.

Prepare Your Eyes and Lashes

Before removing your fake eyelashes, preparing your eyes and lashes properly is crucial. Here are the steps:

  1. Wash your hands: First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2.  Clean your face: Use a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup and oils from your face. This step will help prevent any irritation or infection during the removal process.
  3.  Heat compress: For a few minutes, to help loosen the adhesive, place a warm compress over your closed eyes. You can use a warm towel or a microwavable eye mask. This step is optional but very helpful if you struggle to remove the lashes.

By following these steps, you’ll create the best conditions to remove your false eyelashes without causing any damage to your natural lashes.

Apply Eye Makeup Remover

Now that you have gathered all the necessary supplies and prepared your eyes and lashes, it’s time to remove the fake eyelashes. First, dab a cotton ball or pad with a little eye makeup remover.

Apply pressure to your closed eyelid using the cotton ball or pad, paying special attention to the area where the false eyelashes adhere. Avoid rubbing or tugging your lashes too hard, which could cause them to break or fall out. Let the eye makeup remover sit for a few seconds to dissolve the adhesive.

TIP: If you’re having trouble removing the fake eyelashes with just eye makeup remover, try applying a small amount of coconut oil to the lash line. Let it sit for a few seconds before gently pulling the lashes away.

If you have sensitive skin or eyes, look for a gentle eye makeup remover that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals. Oil-based removers are a great option, as they effectively break down the adhesive without irritating it.

Once the adhesive has loosened, it’s time to remove the fake eyelashes. After reading this, you should be able to remove false eyelashes, gently protecting your real lashes.

Gently Remove Glued-On Fake Eyelashes

Now that you have applied the eye makeup remover and let it sit for a few seconds, gently remove the fake eyelashes.

Gripping the outside corner of the fake lashes with a clean cotton pad or your fingertips, carefully remove them from your real lashes. Avoid pulling too hard or quickly, as this can damage your natural lashes or cause discomfort. Instead, take your time and work your way towards the inner corner of your eye.

If you encounter resistance or the lashes are not coming off easily, do not force them. Instead, apply a bit more eye makeup remover to the area and let it sit for a few more seconds before attempting to remove the lashes again.

Remember, the goal is to remove the lashes gently and without causing any damage to your natural lashes or eye area. Stop the removal procedure immediately if you feel pain or discomfort, and get medical help if necessary.

Pro Tips:

  • Use your non-dominant hand to hold down your eyelid, making it easier to see and reach the lash line.
  •  If you have trouble gripping the lashes with your fingers, use a pair of clean, sterilized tweezers to pull them off.
  •  Take breaks if needed to rest your eyes and avoid strain or discomfort.

Remember, the key to removing false eyelashes successfully is to be patient and gentle. Rushing the process or being too forceful can cause damage to your natural lashes or eye area, so take your time and be careful.

Cleanse and Soothe

After successfully removing the fake eyelashes, it’s time to cleanse and soothe your eyes and natural lashes. Start by washing your hands with soap and water to prevent the transfer of any harmful bacteria to your face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove residual glue or makeup from your eyelids and lashes. Be careful not to rub or tug your eyes too hard, which can irritate and cause redness.

Once you’ve cleansed your eyes, rinse them with cool water to soothe any redness or irritation. Cover your eyes with a cold, moist towel for a few minutes to lessen puffiness.

Try hydrating and soothing your eyes with a natural eye drop solution if they feel very irritated following removal. This will help protect your eyes from any irritation and reduce dryness.

Avoid using harsh products or rubbing your eyes too hard, which can damage your natural lashes and cause irritation. Be gentle and take time during the cleansing process to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

If you experience any persistent redness, irritation, or discomfort after removing your fake eyelashes, consult a healthcare professional.

Moisturize and Nourish

After the removal process, it’s crucial to keep your natural lashes hydrated and nourished. Apply a lash serum or a natural oil, such as castor oil, to promote lash growth and maintain health. These products are particularly beneficial if you frequently wear fake eyelashes, as they can cause damage to your natural lashes over time.

Use your fingertips or a clean mascara wand to apply the oil or serum to your lashes. Ascend to the tips of your lashes, starting at the lash line.

For best results, apply the serum or oil every night before bed and avoid using waterproof mascara or harsh eye makeup removers that can dry out your lashes.

Optional: Lash Adhesive Remover

If you’re struggling to remove your fake eyelashes with just eye makeup remover, don’t worry. There are other options available, such as lash adhesive remover.

This product is specifically designed to dissolve lash adhesive and make removal easier. To prevent any disasters, it is imperative that you closely follow the directions.

How to Use Lash Adhesive Remover

Take a cotton pad and dab some of the remover on it.

With your eyes closed, lightly apply pressure with the cotton pad to your lashes.

Let the remover rest for a little while for the glue to dissolve.

Take off the false eyelashes from your real lashes gently. To remove any remaining glue, wipe with a fresh cotton pad.

Wash your face and eyes with a gentle cleanser to remove any leftover product.

Remember to sparingly use a lash adhesive remover to avoid getting it into your eyes. Before applying it down your lash line, conduct a little patch test to see if your eyes or skin are easily irritated.

Overall, lash adhesive remover can be a great option for those struggling to remove fake eyelashes. Just be sure to use it safely and correctly.

Clean and Store Fake Eyelashes

If you plan on reusing your fake eyelashes, cleaning and storing them properly is important. Here are some tips on how to do it:

Tips: How to do it

Remove the adhesive: Use a gentle cleanser or micellar water to remove any leftover adhesive and makeup from the lashes. Be gentle and avoid tugging on the lashes, which can damage them.

Sanitize the lashes: Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and rub it over the lashes to sanitize them. This will help prevent any germs or bacteria from accumulating on the lashes.

Keep the lashes in their original packaging. Avoid bending or crimping them, as this can deform them. Please keep them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Following these tips will help you keep your fake eyelashes in good condition and ensure they are safe to reuse. You can enjoy your lashes for multiple uses and save money on replacements by caring for them.

Avoid Common Mistakes

Removing fake eyelashes can be tricky, but avoiding these common mistakes will make the process much easier.

  • Don’t pull too hard. Pulling the eyelashes can damage your natural lashes and cause pain.
  •  Don’t use oily products. Oil-based products can weaken the adhesive and make it harder to remove the lashes.
  •  Don’t use harsh chemicals. Harsh chemicals like acetone can cause damage and irritation to your lashes and eyes.
  •  Don’t rush. Take your time when removing the lashes so you don’t accidentally pull out your natural lashes.
  •  Please don’t use dirty tools. Always make sure your hands and tools are clean and sanitized before using them to remove your lashes.

By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll have a better chance of a successful and safe removal process.

Troubleshooting and Tips

If you’re having trouble removing your fake eyelashes, don’t worry. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot common issues.

Issue: Stubborn adhesive

If the adhesive is stubborn and won’t come off, try using a lash adhesive remover. Be cautious not to get it in your eyes by using it sparingly and following the directions to the letter. If you don’t have a lash adhesive remover, try using more eye makeup remover to dissolve the adhesive.

Issue: Sensitivity or irritation

Stop immediately if you experience sensitivity or irritation during or after the removal. Rinse your eyes with cool water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the irritation persists or you develop an eye infection, seek medical attention.

Issue: Unexpected lash damage

Stop the removal process immediately if you notice unexpected lash damage, such as a missing or broken one. To maintain healthy lash development, use a lash serum. Give your lashes time to heal before applying new fake eyelashes.

  • Always follow the instructions carefully when applying and removing fake eyelashes.
  •  Never tug or pull on your lashes too hard.
  •  Avoid using oil-based makeup or cleansers, as they can weaken the adhesive.
  •  Remove the glue gently so you don’t harm your natural lashes.
  •  Consider using a lash serum to promote lash growth and health.

Remember, practice makes perfect! With time and experience, you’ll become a pro at removing fake eyelashes. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and products to find what works best for you.


Congratulations! You’ve now successfully learned how to remove glued-on fake eyelashes without causing any harm to your natural lashes or eyes.

Along the way, you’ve discovered the importance of gathering the necessary supplies, preparing your eyes and lashes, applying eye makeup remover, gently removing the lashes, cleansing and soothing your eyes, moisturizing and nourishing your lashes, using lash adhesive remover (if needed), cleaning and storing fake eyelashes, and avoiding common mistakes.

You may remove false eyelashes at home with confidence and safety if you follow the instructions and advice in this article. Remember, to always prioritize safety and cleanliness during the process. If you encounter difficulties, refer to the troubleshooting and tips section to address any concerns.

This newfound knowledge and practice allow you to incorporate fake eyelash removal into your beauty routine. Say goodbye to the hassle and frustration of removing fake eyelashes and hello to effortlessly beautiful and healthy lashes.


How do I remove glued-on fake eyelashes?

To safely remove glued-on fake eyelashes, follow these steps:

What supplies do I need to remove fake eyelashes?

Gather the following supplies before removing fake eyelashes: a gentle eye makeup remover, cotton pads or balls, a clean towel, and lash adhesive remover (optional).

How should I prepare my eyes and lashes for removal?

Removing false eyelashes should begin with a full handwash, followed by removing any makeup or oils from the face using a mild cleanser.

How do I apply eye makeup remover?

Gently massage a cotton swab or a little eye makeup remover over your closed eyelid, paying special attention to the lash line. The glue will dissolve after a few seconds of sitting.

How do I gently remove the lashes?

Gently separate the false eyelashes from your real lashes, beginning at the outside corner and working your way inside, using a clean cotton pad or fingers. Do not pull or tug excessively.

What should I do after removing the fake eyelashes?

After removing the fake eyelashes, cleanse your eyelids and lashes with a gentle cleanser to remove any leftover adhesive. Rinse your eyes with cool water to soothe any redness or irritation.

How do I moisturize and nourish my lashes after removal?

Apply a lash serum or natural oil, such as castor oil, to moisturize and nourish your lashes after removing fake eyelashes.

Can I use a lash adhesive remover?

If you’re having trouble removing the lashes with just an eye makeup remover, you can use a lash adhesive remover. Follow the product’s instructions carefully and avoid getting it into your eyes.

How do I clean and store fake eyelashes?

Please remove any remaining glue or makeup from false eyelashes before cleaning and storing them. A mild cleanser or micellar water will do the trick. Please keep them pristine by storing them in a dry, clean location.

What are some common mistakes to avoid during fake eyelash removal?

Some common mistakes to avoid during fake eyelash removal include pulling too hard, not using enough eye makeup remover, and not properly cleaning and storing the fake eyelashes.

Are there any troubleshooting tips for removing fake eyelashes?

If you encounter difficulties, refer to the troubleshooting tips in our guide. We address stubborn adhesive, sensitivity, and unexpected lash damage.

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