How to remove fake eyelashes at home: 5 Incredible ways

Putting on fake eyelashes is a beauty trend that has been around for a long time and still makes our eyes look better.

False eyelashes can be your secret tool, whether you want to add a little drama to your everyday look or wow everyone at a special event.

They can make your eyes look bigger, more animated, and captivating.

But as much as we love the charming look of these fluttery extensions, there comes a time when they have to leave our eyes beautifully.

Taking off fake eyelashes is an important part of a beauty practice that people often forget about.

If you don’t do it right, you could feel pain, hurt your natural lashes, or even lose those beautiful extensions you worked so hard to put on.

In this detailed guide, we’ll show you how to safely and effectively remove fake eyelashes at home.

remove fake eyelashes at home

We’ll talk about the easiest and gentlest ways to do it and answer common questions like Does Vaseline remove eyelash extensions?and What will dissolve eyelash glue?and give you tips for aftercare to ensure your natural lashes stay healthy and beautiful.

I. Getting ready for the move

Getting the supplies you need

Before you start taking off your fake eyelashes, you need to ensure you have the right tools to ensure the process goes smoothly and safely. Here’s a full list of the most important things you’ll need:

1. Eyelash Adhesive Remover:

This is the best way to eliminate fake eyelashes.

Choose an eyelash glue cleaner that is safe, doesn’t have oil, and is made for use on eyelashes.

2. You’ll need cotton pads or Q-tips to apply the glue remover to your eyelashes.

Cotton pads are great for applying makeup to bigger areas, while Q-Tips are great for getting close to the lash line.

3. A Mirror: Stand in front of a well-lit mirror.

Proper lighting is important so you can see what you’re doing and not accidentally hurt your eyes while removing the contact lens.

4. Gentle Cleanser or Makeup Remover:

Having a light cleanser or makeup remover on hand can help you clean your eyelids and lashes before and after taking off your makeup.

This step makes sure that no dirt or leftover makeup gets in the way of the process.

5. Tweezers (optional): If your fake eyelashes are especially hard to remove, you can gently use tweezers to lift the tips.

6. A Bowl of Warm Water: Warm water can help speed up the process of some cleaning methods, like the steam and oil methods.

Making a clean place to work

Before taking off your fake eyelashes, you need to ensure your work area is clean and well-organized.

A clean setting makes the cleaning process go more smoothly and makes it less likely that someone will get an infection or skin rash.

Here’s how to make a great place to work:

1. Thoroughly Wash Your Hands: To start, wash your hands with soap and water.

This step is important to ensure you don’t get any dirt or germs in your eyes when you remove your contacts.

2. Clear the Area: Make sure your work area is free of mess.

Take out anything that might get in the way, like makeup brushes, skin care products, or other cosmetics.

3. Lay down a clean towel or tissue.

Put a clean towel or tissue on your work area to catch any leftover glue or lashes that fall off.

It makes it easy to clean up when you’re done.

4. Organize Your Supplies: Put the things you’ve gathered within arm’s reach so you can easily get to them while working on your eyebrows.

5. Make sure there is enough light. You need good light to see what you are doing.

Place your mirror and desk near a window or in an area with a lot of light.

By carefully gathering the necessary tools and ensuring your work area is clean and well-organized, you’ll set yourself up for a successful and easy fake eyelash removal.

Proper planning reduces the chance of mistakes and ensures the cleaning process goes smoothly.

II. Getting Rid of False Eyelashes

When taking off your fake eyelashes, you can do so safely and effectively with several methods and techniques.

Here, we’ll look at different ways to help you choose the best option.

How to remove Fake Eyelashes at home in the Easiest Way

How to remove fake eyelashes at home

1. Method 1 is to use an eyelash glue remover.

How to Remove Something Safely

a. Prepare Your Desk: As discussed in the last part, start by ensuring your desk is clean and well-lit. Make sure you can get to everything you need.

b. Apply eyelash adhesive remover: Soak a cotton pad or Q-tip in eyelash adhesive remover.

Put a small amount along the line where the fake eyelashes are connected.

Let the remover sit for one or two minutes to soften the glue.

c. Gently lift and remove:

If you need to, use your fingers or tweezers to gently lift the corner of the fake eyelash strip on the outside.

Be gentle, and try not to pull or tug. If it won’t come off, try the glue remover again and wait a little longer.

d. Remove the Lashes:

Once the glue has softened enough, lift the fake eyelashes and pull them off, starting at the outer corner and working your way in.

Use a soft, downward action to keep your natural lashes from getting hurt.

e. Clean Your Eyes:

After removing your eyelash extensions, use a light wash or makeup cleaner to clean your eyes and lashes, ensuring no glue is left behind.

f. Lash conditioning is optional. You can use a lash conditioner to feed and hydrate your natural lashes, which will help them heal from the glue.

g. How to Store Fake Eyelashes: If you want to use your fake eyelashes again, clean them gently and put them away correctly.

2. Method 2 is to use steam and oil.

How to Remove Something Safely

a. Boil Water: Bring a pot of water to a boil and pour it carefully into a bowl.

Let the water cool down slightly, but keep it hot enough to make steam.

b. Make a steam hood by leaning over the bowl of hot water and draping a towel over your head.

Make sure you’re not too close to the steam, or you could get burned.

c. Steam Your Face: Steam your face for about 5 to 10 minutes.

The steam makes the glue on the fake eyebrows easier to work with.

d. Apply Oil: After heating, use a cotton pad dipped in a soft oil, like coconut or baby oil, to apply the oil.

Swipe the oiled pad gently along the lash line, letting the oil get into the glue and free it.

e. Gently Remove the Lashes: Use your fingers or tweezers to lift and remove the fake eyelashes carefully once the glue has softened.

f. Clean Your Eyes: Just like the glue remover method, use a light wash or makeup cleaner to clean your eyes and eyebrows after removal.

g. How to Store Fake Eyelashes: If you want to use your fake eyelashes more than once, clean them gently and put them away correctly.

Does Vaseline take off fake eyelashes?

An explanation of how Vaseline can be used as a substitute

Vaseline, also known as petroleum jelly, can be used differently to remove eyelash extensions. How it works is as follows:

1. Cleanse Your Lashes: Start by removing makeup or oils from your eyelashes and eyes with a light wash or makeup remover.

2. Apply Vaseline: Put a small amount of Vaseline on your fingers and apply it gently along the lash line, where the extensions are connected.

Make sure the Vaseline doesn’t get in your eyes.

3. Wait and carefully take it off. Let the vaseline sit for a while, usually 10 to 15 minutes.

It will make the glue used for the extensions soften over time.

Once the extensions start to come loose, gently pull them out with a clean cotton pad or Q-tip.

4. Cleanse and moisturize: After removing your extensions, wash your eyelashes and eyes to remove any leftover Vaseline and glue.

Use a conditioner or lotion for your natural lashes as a second step to keep them healthy.

Vaseline can work, but it may take a little longer than using a product made just for that purpose.

What can break down eyelash glue?

We’ll talk about different things that can break down eyelash glue.

Many things can remove eyelash glue. Here are a few ideas:

1. Eyelash Adhesive Remover:

As we’ve already discussed, this is the most effective and easy way to eliminate eyelash glue.

It’s made so that it’s safe to use near the eyes.

2. Oil-based products:

Coconut oil, baby oil, and olive oil are gentle oils that soften and break down eyelash glue.

Apply the oil along the lash line and let it do its thing before you try to pull out the lashes.

3. Warm Water: Warm water can help make eyelash glue easier.

It can be used in other ways, like the steam and oil method that was already stated.

4. Rubbing Alcohol (Be Careful): Rubbing alcohol can remove eyelash glue, but it’s important to use it rarely and carefully.

It can be rough on your skin and eyes, so don’t get it in your eyes.

When removing eyelash glue, always use soft methods that won’t hurt your eyes.

How do you remove fake eyelashes at home if you don’t have a remover?

Offering other ways to get rid of something without a specific remover

If you don’t have a special glue cleaner for your eyelashes, don’t worry. There are other ways you can try:

1. As we’ve already discussed, oils like coconut or baby oil can help smooth and remove eyelash glue.

Apply the oil along the lash line, and once the glue has softened, slowly pull out the lashes.

2. Warm Water: Warm water can loosen the glue. Mix it with steam, as explained in the steam and oil method, for better effects.

3. Soaking in Warm Water: If the glue you put on your fake eyelashes dissolves in water, you can soak your face in warm water to get the glue off.

Then, carefully pull off the eyelashes.

4. Use a Lash Lift Solution (Caution): Some people have said they could get rid of the glue using a lash lift solution.

But it would be best to be careful with this method because these solutions can be hard on your eyes and face.

Even though these methods might work in a pinch, putting your eyes and natural lashes‘ safety and comfort first is important.

Using an eyelash glue cleaner is the best and most effective way to remove fake eyelashes at home.

By learning about these ways to remove fake eyelashes, you can choose the one that works best for your needs and the tools you already have.

III. Tips and Things to Do

After you remove your fake eyelashes at home, it’s important to take care of both your real and fake ones.

With the right treatment, your eyelashes will stay healthy, and your fake eyelashes will be ready to use again.

Care for Your Natural Lashes After Getting Them Removed

After removing fake eyelashes at home, taking care of your real lashes is important so they stay strong and full.

Here are some tips for taking care of your eyelashes:

1. Gentle Cleaning:

Use a light wash or makeup wipes to clean your eyes and eyebrows daily.

It keeps grease and dirt from building up on the lashes, which can damage them.

2. Avoid Rubbing:

Be gentle when you touch or rub your eyes, as too much pressure can damage your natural eyelashes.

After washing your face, pat them dry with a soft, clean cloth or cotton pad.

3. Lash serums or creams can help maintain and improve natural lashes.

These items can help your eyelashes grow longer and become less fragile.

4. Makeup-Free Days:

Give your lashes a break from mascara and eyeliner every so often so they can breathe and get rid of any leftover glue or makeup.

5. Don’t use waterproof mascara. It can be hard on your eyelashes and hard to get off.

Choose a regular mascara or one that is good for your eyelashes.

6. Be careful with extensions. If you want to get eyelash extensions in the future, you should wait until your natural lashes have fully healed.

Putting on extensions too close together can weaken your lashes.

7. Diet: A well-balanced diet full of vitamins and nutrients, especially biotin, can help your lashes stay healthy and grow.

8. Lash Comb: Gently separate and untangle your natural lashes using a clean comb.

It keeps them from sticking together and makes them look larger.

How to Clean and Store Fake Eyelashes

It’s important to clean and store your fake eyelashes correctly after you take them off so that they last longer and keep their shape.

Here’s what you need to do to keep your fake eyelashes in good shape:

1. Remove adhesive residue: Use your fingers or tweezers to peel off any leftover glue from the lash band.

Be careful not to hurt the eyelashes as you do this.

2. Use makeup remover to clean the lashes well.

Soak a cotton swab or pad in makeup remover to clean the lashes well.

Wipe gently along the lash band and lash hairs to remove any eyeliner or makeup that is still there.

3. Disinfect (optional):

You can make sure your lashes are free of bacteria or germs by putting a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wiping the lash band lightly.

Let them dry in the air.

4. Shape and curl again (optional): If your fake eyelashes have lost their curl, you can gently adjust them with a clean lash straightener.

This step helps their natural curve stay the same.

5. Store in a Clean Case: Put your clean, dry lashes back into their original package or a clean lash case.

Ensure they are kept away from dust and water to keep them from getting damaged.

6. Avoid mascara: You can use your fake lashes more than once, but don’t put mascara on them.

It can make them clump up and lose their shape.

7. Name the case (optional):

If you have more than one pair of lashes, you should name the case to keep track of the types and how often you’ve worn them.

8. Store the case upright:

To keep the lashes from losing shape, store the case upright and ensure they don’t get flattened or crushed.

By following these steps, you can keep your false eyelashes clean and well-maintained so you can use them more than once.

It will save you money and ensure they always look their best when you wear them again.

Your eye-catching, fluttery fringe will stay healthy and last longer if you properly take care of your natural and fake eyelashes.

With these tips, your eyelashes will stay in great shape and be ready for your next fabulous look.

IV. Questions Most People Ask

1. How Easy Is It to Take Off False Eyelashes?

Following safe and effective steps can make removing fake eyelashes easier.

Here, we go over the easy ways we talked about earlier:

Using an Eyelash Adhesive Remover:

This method includes putting a special eyelash adhesive remover along the lash line to soften the glue.

Then, you can gently lift and pull off the fake eyelashes without hurting your real eyelashes.

Using steam and oil:

Using steam and oil is another way that is easy enough.

You can make removing fake eyelashes easier by warming your face to soften the glue and putting oil along the lash line.

Both methods put safety and comfort first, making them the best and easiest ways to take off fake eyelashes.

2. Does Vaseline take off fake eyelashes?

Vaseline, also known as petroleum jelly, can be used differently to remove eyelash extensions.

Here, we say again that you can use Vaseline instead:

Clean Your Lashes:

Start by removing makeup or oils from your eyelashes and eyes with a light wash or makeup remover.

Apply Vaseline.

Put a small amount of Vaseline on your fingers and apply it gently along the lash line, where the extensions are connected.

Make sure the Vaseline doesn’t get in your eyes.

Wait and remove gently.

Let the vaseline sit for a while, usually 10 to 15 minutes.

It will make the glue used for the extensions soften over time.

Once the extensions start to come loose, gently pull them out with a clean cotton pad or Q-tip.

Cleanse and moisturize:

After removing your extensions, clean your eyelashes and eyes to remove any Vaseline and glue left behind.

Use a conditioner or lotion for your natural lashes as a second step to keep them healthy.

Vaseline can take off extensions, but it may take longer than a special eyelash glue stripper.

3. What can break down eyelash glue?

When breaking down eyelash glue, several things can do the job well.

Here is a list of things that can break down eyelash glue:

Eyelash Adhesive Remover:

A specialized eyelash adhesive remover is the most effective and easy way to eliminate eyelash glue.

These removers are made to be used on eyebrows and are safe for the sensitive skin around the eyes.

Oil-based products:

Coconut oil, baby oil, or olive oil are all gentle oils that can soften and remove eyelash glue.

Putting the oil along the lash line and letting it do its job can make removing the eyelashes easier.

Warm water:

Warm water can help soften the glue on your eyelashes. It can be used in other ways, like the steam and oil method, for better results.

Rubbing Alcohol (Caution):

Rubbing alcohol can remove eyelash glue, but it should be used carefully and with care because it can be rough on the skin and eyes. Please don’t get it in your eyes.

Always use soft and safe methods for your eyes when removing eyelash glue.

It will keep your eyes and natural lashes safe and comfortable.

4. How do you eliminate fake eyelashes if you don’t have a remover at home?

Even if you don’t have the right eyelash glue remover, there are other ways to remove fake eyelashes.

Here are some other ways to get rid of them:

Oil-based products:

Oils like coconut or baby oil can help smooth and remove eyelash glue.

Apply the oil along the lash line, and once the glue has softened, slowly pull out the lashes.

Warm water:

Warm water can make the glue easier to work with.

You can use it in other ways, like the steam and oil method, for better effects.

Soaking in warm water:

If you put on your fake eyelashes with glue that dissolves in water, you can soak your face in warm water to remove the glue.

Then, carefully pull off the eyelashes.

– Use a Lash Lift Solution (caution):

Some people have said they could loosen the glue using a lash lift solution.

But it would be best to be careful with this method because these solutions can be hard on your eyes and face.

Even though these tricks might work in a pinch, putting your eyes and natural lashes‘ safety and comfort first is important.

Using an eyelash glue cleaner is the best and most effective way to remove fake eyelashes.

In short, these other ways can be used if you don’t have a specific cleaner on hand.

However, it would help to be careful when using them to avoid hurting your eyes or natural lashes.


In the world of beauty and glitz, fake eyelashes can change your look and draw attention to your eyes.

But as we’ve seen in this thorough guide, the journey continues when you put them to use.

It’s just as important to take off fake eyelashes carefully and safely as it is to put them on.

Using the methods and tips listed, you can easily and confidently eliminate your fakes.

Whether you choose the ease of an eyelash glue cleaner, the comfort of steam and oil, or the tried-and-true Vaseline, your false eyelashes will smoothly separate from your real ones, leaving no room for pain or damage.

As we’ve learned more about eyelash extensions and their glue bonds, we’ve also learned that eyelash adhesive removers, oils, warm water, and even lash lift solutions can help you with this tricky process.

The key is to put safety, comfort, and your natural lashes’ health first.

After you remove your eyelashes, it’s important to take care of both your real eyelashes and your fake eyelashes.

With the right care, your natural lashes will stay healthy and full, and your fake ones will stay in perfect shape for future use.

To take care of your natural eyelashes, you should clean them gently, avoid rubbing them too much, and, if you want, use lash serums or cleansers.

You can keep your eyelashes healthy and strong by doing these easy things.

It’s very important to clean and store your fake eyelashes correctly.

Removing any leftover glue, cleaning them with makeup cleaner, and putting them in a clean, dry case will ensure they last longer and are always ready to use.

In conclusion, fake eyelashes are beautiful not only when put on but also when taken off.

With the tips and tricks in this guide, you can remove your fake eyelashes at home with confidence and ease.

So, enjoy that your eyes can look different ways, try different styles, and remember that every change starts with a polite exit.

Cheers to the lasting charm of your beautiful eyes!

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