How to Remove Adhesive from Fake Eyelashes

Wearing fake eyelashes can elevate your overall look and make your eyes pop. However, after wearing them for a while, you’ll need to remove adhesive from fake eyelashes. Removing adhesive can seem daunting, but it can be effortless with the proper technique and tools. In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on removing adhesive from fake eyelashes.

Key Takeaways

  • Properly removing adhesive from fake eyelashes can help maintain the longevity of your faux lashes.
  • Before starting the removal process, understanding the adhesive used for fake eyelashes is essential.
  • Preparation steps such as gently removing any excess adhesive and loosening the eyelashes will make the removal process smoother.
  • Popular adhesive removal methods include steam, oil-based removers, micellar water, and gel removers.
  • After successfully removing the adhesive, cleaning and storing your fake eyelashes for future use is essential.

Understanding Fake Eyelash Adhesive

Before you can begin removing adhesive from your fake eyelashes, it’s essential to understand the different types of adhesive available for fake lashes. Here are some of the most common options:

Adhesive Type: Cyanoacrylate Adhesive

Description: This is a popular choice for fake eyelash applications because it dries quickly and provides a firm hold. However, it can be difficult to remove without causing damage to your natural lashes.

Removal Difficulty: Difficult

Adhesive Type: Latex-based Adhesive

Description: This adhesive is often used to strip lashes and is gentle on your natural lashes. It typically dries to a rubbery consistency that can be easily peeled off.

Removal Difficulty: Easy

Adhesive Type: Magnetic lashes

Description: Magnetic lashes use tiny magnets to secure the false lashes in place. They’re easy to apply and remove but may not provide the strongest hold.

Removal Difficulty: Easy

If you need to know what type of adhesive was used for your fake lashes, try contacting the manufacturer or seeking advice from a professional. This can help you determine the best removal method to use.

When it comes to removing fake eyelash adhesives, there are several options available. We’ll explore these methods in the following sections.

Preparing for Adhesive Removal

Before you start removing adhesive from false eyelashes, take the following steps to ensure a smooth process:

  • Clean your hands: Wash them thoroughly to ensure they are free of bacteria and oil. This will prevent any unnecessary contamination of your lashes or irritations.
  • Find a comfortable position: Sit in a well-lit and comfortable position where you have enough space to work and move your hands freely.
  • Gather your tools: To remove adhesive from your fake eyelashes, you will need a pair of tweezers, a cotton swab or pad, and your preferred adhesive remover.
  • Test the adhesive remover: Before using it on your skin or lashes, always test it on a small area to ensure you don’t have an allergic reaction.
  • Be gentle. When removing the adhesive, remember to be gentle and take your time. Refrain from twisting or pulling on your lashes, as this may harm them or induce early loss of your natural lashes.

By following these tips for removing eyelash adhesive, you’ll be better prepared to remove the adhesive from your fake eyelashes quickly and safely.

The Steam Method

The steam method is an excellent option if you’re looking for a safe and effective way to remove adhesive from your fake eyelashes. With the help of steam, the glue is loosened and removed more easily without endangering your natural lashes.

To use the steam method, follow these steps:

  1. Place a saucepan of boiling water into an appropriate basin to handle the heat.
  2. Hover your face over the bowl, keeping a safe distance, to avoid burning yourself.
  3. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel, creating a tent-like shape to trap the steam.
  4. Remain in this position for 5–10 minutes, allowing the steam to loosen the adhesive.
  5. Starting from the outside corner and working your way inside, carefully remove the fake eyelashes from your lash line.
  6. Wipe a cotton swab or pad dipped in an oil-based makeup remover to remove adhesive residue from the lashes.

The steam method is a gentle and effective way to remove adhesive from fake eyelashes. However, avoid accidents or burns when handling hot water and steam. Additionally, if you have sensitive skin or eyes, it’s essential to test this method on a small area first to ensure you don’t experience any adverse reactions.

Using Oil-Based Removers to Remove Eyelash Glue

If you’re looking for an effective adhesive remover for fake eyelashes, oil-based removers can do the trick. They work by breaking down the glue and making it easier to remove the false eyelashes. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Start by washing your face and eyes with warm water to help loosen the glue.
  2. Using a cotton pad or Q-tip, lightly dab a little oil-based remover at the root of the fake lashes.
  3. Let the remover rest for a little while for the glue to dissolve.
  4. Carefully remove the fake lashes from the outside to the inner corner of your eye. Avoid pulling too hard or fast to prevent damage to your natural lashes.
  5. After removing the lashes, use a clean cotton pad or Q-tip with remover to clean any remaining glue from the lash band.

It’s essential to use a gentle, oil-based remover to avoid any eye irritation or damage. Popular oil-based removers for fake eyelashes include coconut, olive, and baby oil. Always store your fake lashes properly after removing the adhesive to keep them in good condition for future use.

Using Micellar Water

If you’re looking for a gentler, less messy option for removing adhesive from fake eyelashes, try using micellar water. This makeup remover is gentle on the eyes and effectively removes makeup, including eyelash adhesive.

To use micellar water for adhesive removal, follow these simple steps:

  1. Soak a cotton pad with micellar water.
  2. Please close your eyes and press the cotton pad on them. Hold it there for a few seconds.
  3. Slowly swipe the pad downward to remove the adhesive from your eyelashes.
  4. Do steps 2 and 3 repeatedly until all the glue is gone.

Remember to gently use micellar water to remove adhesive from your fake lashes. You may need to use several cotton pads to remove all the adhesive, but avoid rubbing or tugging too hard on your lashes to prevent damage.

Tip: If you’re having trouble removing all the adhesive from your lashes, try soaking a cotton swab with micellar water and carefully dabbing it along the lash line to target any stubborn adhesive patches.

Gel Removers

Gel removers are an excellent option if you’re looking for a gentle and effective way to remove false eyelash glue. A unique solution in them breaks down the glue without hurting your real or fake eyelashes. Gel removers usually come in a tube or bottle with a brush applicator, making the process easy and mess-free.

To use a gel remover:

  1. Apply a small amount to the base of your false lashes using the applicator brush.
  2. Cover all areas where the adhesive is present, especially the corners.
  3. Leave the gel on for a few minutes or per the package’s instructions. You’ll notice the adhesive will start to dissolve, and the lashes will come off quickly.

Gel removers have different strengths, so choose the right one for your fake lashes. Some gel removers might have oils or other ingredients that can stick to your eyelashes. In that case, wash your lashes with a mild soap, cleanser, and water to remove any leftover residue.


Gel removers are gentle on your lashes and do not cause any damage. They are easy to apply and remove the adhesive quickly. You can use them multiple times as they have a long shelf life. They are available in different strengths, so you can choose the one that suits your needs.


Gel removers may only work effectively on some types of adhesive, especially if the glue is extra-strong. They may take longer to dissolve the adhesive, which can be frustrating if you’re in a hurry. They may also leave a residue on your lashes, which you must remove with a cleanser.

“Gel removers are a lifesaver when it comes to removing false lashes. They are gentle, effective, and easy to use. I always keep a tube in my makeup bag!”

DIY Adhesive Removal Solutions

If you prefer a more natural approach to removing adhesive from fake eyelashes, several household items can do the trick. Here are some practical and safe DIY solutions for adhesive removal:

  1. Olive oil is known for soothing, and it works great to eliminate the glue on fake eyelashes. A cotton ball soaked in olive oil should be slowly rubbed over your eyebrows until the glue comes off.
  2. Cucumber: Not only is cucumber great for reducing puffiness around the eyes, but it can also help eliminate adhesive residue. Cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices and place them over your closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. The cooling effect of the cucumber will loosen the adhesive, making it easier to remove.
  3. Baby oil is another common home item that can help remove the glue on fake eyelashes. A cotton ball soaked in baby oil can remove the glue from your eyebrows.
  4. Coconut oil: Because it is good for you, it is a great way to eliminate the glue on fake eyelashes. Make light swipes over your eyelashes with a cotton pad soaked in coconut oil until the glue comes off.

While these DIY solutions can be effective, it’s essential to be cautious when using them. Make sure to avoid getting any of these substances into your eyes, and always be gentle when rubbing the adhesive to prevent any damage to your natural lashes.

Cleaning and Storing Fake Eyelashes

After successfully removing the adhesive from your false lashes, it’s essential to properly clean and store them to maintain their quality and shape for future use. Follow these essential tips:

Step 1: Gently remove any remaining makeup and residue from the lashes using a mild, oil-free makeup remover and a clean cotton pad. Be careful not to tug or pull on the lashes.

Step 2: Place the cleaned lashes on a clean tissue and gently pat dry with a soft cloth or towel. Do not rub or twist the eyelashes; this can hurt or make them look funny.

Step 3: If your fake lashes come with a plastic tray, use it to store them properly. If not, you can use a small plastic container or a clean, dry contact lens case. Place the lashes in the container, shape them to their original form, and ensure they lie flat.

Step 4: Too much heat, humidity, or direct sunlight can damage eyelashes. Store them somewhere cool and dry to keep them clean.

Step 5: If you plan to reuse the lashes, avoid using any mascara or eyeliner on them. This can cause buildup and make them difficult to clean.

By following these easy steps for cleaning and storing your fake eyelashes, you can keep them in great shape and use them more than once.

Tips for Avoiding Common Mistakes When Removing Adhesive from False Eyelashes

If you’re not careful when removing adhesive from false eyelashes, you can easily damage your natural lashes or ruin the shape of your fake lashes. To make sure you get it right, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Using Dirty Tools

Before you begin, make sure your tweezers and other tools are clean. Dirt and bacteria can cause infections and damage your lashes.

Being Too Rough

Being too rough can damage both your false and natural lashes. If you pull too hard, you can distort the shape of your fake lashes, and if you’re not careful, you can pull out your natural lashes, too. Be gentle and take your time.

Using the Wrong Type of Remover

Using the wrong type of remover can damage your lashes or cause them not to work. Make sure you use the type of remover that works best for your specific type of adhesive.

Not Cleaning Your Lashes

Make sure you clean your fake eyelashes to remove any glue still on them after you take them off. This will help them last longer and prevent any bacteria from building up.

Storing Your Lashes Incorrectly

Once your lashes are clean, you need to store them correctly. Don’t just toss them in a drawer – put them in a clean, dry case so they keep their shape.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll have an easier time removing adhesive from your fake eyelashes without damaging your natural lashes or ruining your falsies.

Tips for Long-Lasting Fake Eyelashes

Now that you’ve successfully removed the adhesive from your fake eyelashes, it’s essential to take steps to ensure they last as long as possible. Here are some tips to keep your faux lashes looking fresh and beautiful:

  • Be gentle when removing them. Use a gentle hand when removing your fake lashes to avoid damaging your natural ones.
  • Store them properly. Once the glue is off, keep your fake eyelashes in a clean, dry place, like a lash bag, to keep their shape and quality.
  • Don’t sleep in them. Sleeping in your fake lashes can cause them to misshapen and damage your natural lashes.
  • Please don’t wear them too long. Fake eyelashes are not designed for extended wear. Remove them at the end of the day to prevent damage to your natural lashes.
  • Clean them regularly. A light cleaner should clean your fake eyelashes every time you wear them. Let them dry completely before putting them back on.
  • Trim them if needed. If your fake eyelashes are too long for your eyes, trim them with scissors to make them fit properly.
  • Please choose the right adhesive: Using a suitable adhesive for your fake lashes can help them last longer. Choose an adhesive designed explicitly for false eyelashes and follow the instructions carefully.

Remember to use these tips to make your fake eyelashes last longer. Enjoy their beauty and glamour for longer.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to remove adhesive from your fake eyelashes. Following the techniques and tips this guide outlines, your faux lashes will stay in excellent condition for multiple uses.


Always be gentle when removing adhesive from your false eyelashes, and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage your natural lashes. Take the time to properly clean and store your fake lashes after each use, and follow maintenance tips to extend their lifespan.

Final Thoughts:

Removing adhesives from fake eyelashes is essential to preserving their quality and ensuring they stay in excellent condition for future use. Taking care of your fake lashes gives you the confidence to rock them on any occasion. Enjoy your stunning new look!


How do I remove adhesive from fake eyelashes?

You can use various methods to remove adhesive from fake eyelashes, such as steam, oil-based removers, micellar water, or gel removers. We’ll provide detailed instructions on each method in our sections below.

What types of adhesives are used for fake eyelashes?

Different types of adhesives are used for fake eyelashes, including lash glue, adhesive tapes, and magnetic lashes. Understanding your adhesive will help you choose the appropriate removal method.

How should I prepare for adhesive removal?

Before starting the adhesive removal process, it’s essential to prepare your lashes by gently removing any excess makeup or mascara. This ensures a clean surface for adhesive removal and prevents damage to your natural lashes.

What is the steam method for adhesive removal?

The steam method involves using steam to loosen the adhesive, making it easier to remove fake eyelashes. You can use a skin warmer or hold your face over a bowl of hot water to do this. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions in our dedicated section.

How do I use oil-based removers to remove adhesive?

Oil-based removers are effective in removing adhesive from fake eyelashes. You can use oils like olive oil, coconut oil, or baby oil. We’ll explain the process and precautions in our detailed section on oil-based removers.

Can I use micellar water to remove adhesive from fake eyelashes?

You can use micellar water to remove the glue on fake eyelashes. Its gentle yet effective properties make it suitable for this purpose. I’ll guide you through using micellar water for adhesive removal.

What are gel removers, and how do I use them?

Gel removers are specifically formulated to dissolve eyelash adhesive without causing damage. You can apply gel removers directly to the lash band and let it sit for a few minutes before gently removing the adhesive. We’ll explain this process in detail in our gel removers section.

Are there any DIY solutions for adhesive removal?

If you prefer a DIY approach, you can use several household items to remove adhesive from fake eyelashes. Some options include warm water and soap, baby shampoo, or coconut oil. We’ll provide you with safe and effective DIY solutions in our dedicated section.

How should I clean and store my fake eyelashes?

After successfully removing the adhesive, cleaning your fake eyelashes properly is essential. You can use gentle soap or lash cleansers to remove any leftover residue. They will stay in good shape and quality longer if you store them in a clean, dry place. We’ll share essential cleaning and storage tips in our cleaning and storage section.

What common mistakes should I avoid during adhesive removal?

When removing adhesive from fake eyelashes, it’s crucial to be gentle and cautious to prevent damage to your natural lashes. You should avoid making these common mistakes when you pull or tug too hard, use sharp tools, or use strong chemicals. We’ll highlight these mistakes in our dedicated section to ensure a seamless removal process.

How can I make my fake eyelashes last longer?

Following a few maintenance steps is essential to extend your fake eye shield’s lifespan. These include removing adhesives properly, cleaning them after each use, and storing them in a clean and dry place. We’ll provide helpful tips for long-lasting fake eyelashes in our tips section.

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