How to Best Remove Fake Eyelashes

Fake eyelashes are a great way to enhance your look and achieve a stunning, dramatic effect. However, removing them can be a challenge. You don’t want to damage your natural lashes or cause any discomfort while taking off your falsies. In this section, we will provide you with expert advice on the best and safest methods for removing fake eyelashes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Removing fake eyelashes isn’t difficult if you follow the proper steps.
  • There are safe methods and products that you can use to protect your natural lashes while taking off your falsies.
  • Proper storage and maintenance can also make removal easier and more efficient.

Step-by-Step Guide to Remove Fake Eyelashes

It can be scary to take off fake eyelashes, but knowing what to do can be easy. Follow these step-by-step instructions to take off your fake eyelashes safely and efficiently:

  1. Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a few tools before you begin. Grab a bottle of oil-free makeup remover, cotton swabs, tweezers, and a clean towel.
  2. Apply Makeup Remover: Saturate a cotton swab with the oil-free makeup remover and apply it to the base of your fake eyelashes. Cover the entire strip, allowing the solution to penetrate the adhesive.
  3. Wait: After applying the makeup remover, give it a few minutes to work its magic. This will make it easy to remove the glue that holds the fake eyelashes in place.
  4. Remove the Fake Eyelashes: Using a pair of tweezers, gently grasp the outer corner of the fake eyelashes and peel them off. Be careful and take your time as you move slowly from the outside corner of your eye to the inside corner.
  5. Cleanse Your Lashes: Once you’ve removed the fake eyelashes, use a cotton swab and makeup remover to clean any remaining adhesive from your natural lashes. Be gentle to avoid damaging your lashes.
  6. Wash Your Face: After removing your fake eyelashes and cleaning your real ones, use a gentle cleaner to remove any makeup remover that is still on your face.
  7. Moisturize Your Lashes: Finish the process by applying a lash serum or moisturizer to your natural lashes. This will help keep them healthy and strong.

These best practices for removing fake eyelashes will help you avoid damaging your natural lashes and leave your eyes looking beautiful and refreshed.

Safe Methods for Removing Fake Eyelashes

Removing false eyelashes without damaging natural lashes can be tricky, but you can do it easily with the right products and techniques. Here is expert advice on removing fake eyelashes:

Oil-Based Makeup Remover

An oil-based makeup remover is one of the best ways to remove false eyelashes without damaging your natural lashes. Soak a Q-tip or cotton pad with the remover and hold it gently against your lashes for a minute, allowing the oil to dissolve the glue. Then, slowly and gently pull the lashes away from your eyelids.

Warm Water and Lash Cleanser

Warm water and lash cleaner are other safe ways to remove fake eyelashes. To loosen the glue:

  1. Wash your face with warm water first.
  2. Apply a small lash cleanser to your eyelids and massage gently for a minute.
  3. Rinse with warm water and gently pull the lashes away from your eyelids.


Steaming your face can also help loosen the glue and make it easier to remove false eyelashes. Boil water in a bowl, place a towel over your head, and hover your face over the bowl for 5-10 minutes. Then, gently peel off the lashes using your fingers or tweezers.

Expert Tip: Be Gentle

Regardless of your chosen method, it’s important to be gentle when removing false eyelashes. If you pull too hard, you might hurt your natural eyelashes or make your eyes itch. If you’re having trouble removing your lashes, try soaking them in warm water for a few minutes or applying more remover or lash cleanser to help dissolve the glue.

Tips for Removing Fake Eyelashes

Removing fake eyelashes should be a gentle process to avoid damaging your natural lashes. Here are some tips to help you remove your fake eyelashes the right way:

  • Be patient: Take time when removing your fake eyelashes to avoid tugging or pulling on your natural lashes.
  • Use a light eye makeup remover: Put a little on a cotton pad and press it gently against your closed eye. Hold it there for a few seconds to loosen the adhesive before gently wiping away the eyelash strip.
  • Soften the adhesive: You can also soften the adhesive by holding a warm, damp towel against your closed eye for a few minutes before removing the lashes.
  • Remove the glue: After removing the fake eyelashes, gently remove any remaining glue from your natural lashes using a clean cotton swab dipped in makeup remover. Be careful not to rub too hard or pull on your lashes.
  • Store your fake eyelashes properly: Place them back in their original packaging or a clean, dry place after removing them. This will help them keep their shape and keep dirt and germs from sticking to them.

Expert Tip

If you have trouble removing your fake eyelashes, apply a small amount of coconut oil to your lash line. The oil will help soften the adhesive, making it easier to remove the lashes without damaging your natural lashes.


Removing fake eyelashes can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing safe methods, you can easily remove your fake eyelashes without causing any harm to your natural eyelashes.

Select the right products, such as an oil-based makeup remover or micellar water, to help dissolve the glue and avoid tugging or pulling on your lashes. Always be gentle and take your time to avoid any discomfort or irritation.

Tips for Proper Eyelash Care

Incorporate these valuable tips into your beauty routine for beautiful, healthy-looking lashes every time:

  • When removing your makeup, be gentle and don’t rub your eyes too hard.
  • Avoid using waterproof mascara daily, as it can be harsh on your natural lashes.
  • Invest in a quality eyelash serum to promote the growth and thickness of your lashes.
  • Store your fake eyelashes in a clean, dry place to avoid dirt and bacteria buildup.
  • Take a break from wearing false eyelashes occasionally to let your natural lashes breathe and prevent damage.

If you follow these tips, you can get beautiful eyelashes that stay healthy and last long.


How do I best remove fake eyelashes?

To remove fake eyelashes:

  1. Start by gently loosening the lash band from the outer corner of your eye.
  2. Carefully peel off the eyelashes one by one, working from the outside corner to the inside corner with tweezers or fingers.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in makeup removal or oil-free micellar water to gently remove any glue on your natural lashes.

What are the safest methods for removing fake eyelashes?

A gentle oil-based makeup removal or dipping a cotton pad in warm water and putting it on your closed eyelids for a few minutes are two of the best ways to remove false eyelashes. The glue will become less sticky, making taking the fake eyelashes off easier without hurting your real ones.

Are there any tips for removing fake eyelashes more easily?

Here are a few tips for easier fake eyelash removal: – Trim the fake eyelashes to fit your eye shape before applying them. This will make removal easier. – Put a small amount of lash glue on the lash band. Excessive glue can make removal more difficult. – Avoid pulling or tugging on the lashes forcefully. This can hurt your eyelids and the skin around your eyes, which are very sensitive. – If you struggle to remove the lashes, apply oil to the lash band to loosen the adhesive.

How often should I remove and replace my fake eyelashes?

Removing and replacing fake eyelashes every 3-5 uses is generally recommended. This keeps the eyelashes clean and stops bacteria and other germs from building up, which could lead to an eye illness or soreness.

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