How Many Lashes is it Normal to Lose with Extensions?

Welcome to the world of eyelash extensions, where fluttering lashes and captivating gazes are just an appointment away. If you’ve joined the ranks of those enhancing their natural lashes with attachments, you may be curious about a common concern: lash loss. In this blog post, we’ll explore every extension enthusiast’s question: How many lashes is it normal to lose with extensions? From shedding light on the natural growth cycle of lashes to addressing common misconceptions, we’re here to guide you through the delicate balance between maintaining those lush lashes and understanding what’s considered typical in the world of eyelash extensions.

Understanding Normal Lash Shedding with Extensions

Luscious lash extensions can transform your eyes, providing that coveted doe-eyed look. However, it’s crucial to demystify the shedding process associated with extensions to ensure you’re not caught off guard. Let’s dive into the nuances of normal lash shedding, addressing the average number of lashes shed daily, the percentage lost during the initial days, and the long-term shedding patterns.

Average Number of Lashes Shed Daily:

First things first, it’s perfectly normal for lashes to shed. On average, a person naturally loses 1 to 5 lashes per day. This natural shedding process is part of the hair growth cycle, where old lashes make way for new ones. When you throw extensions into the mix, it might seem like a cause for concern if you notice a few fallen lashes. However, fear not – this is typical and doesn’t necessarily mean your extensions fail.

Percentage of Lashes Lost During the First Few Days:

In the initial days post-application, you might experience a slightly higher rate of lash loss. Don’t panic! It is not a sign of impending doom for your lash extensions. Losing 10-20% of the lashes in the first 48 hours is expected. This initial shedding is attributed to the natural cycle of your lashes and the adjustment period for the newly applied extensions. The adhesive needs time to set and bond with your natural lashes; a few may naturally release during this period.

Long-term Shedding Patterns:

Now, let’s talk about the long-term shedding patterns, breaking them down into weekly/monthly averages and exploring the factors influencing variations.

Weekly/Monthly Averages:

On a weekly or monthly basis, you can expect to lose approximately 10-20% of your lashes. It is part of the ongoing growth cycle, and as some lashes reach the end of their life cycle, they naturally fall out. The good news is that, with proper care, your extensions can last through multiple lash-shedding cycles.

Factors That May Influence Variations in Shedding:

Several factors can influence the shedding of lash extensions, contributing to variations in the process. Here are a few key considerations:

  • Lifestyle: Your daily activities can impact lash shedding. Rubbing your eyes or exposure to excessive heat and humidity may expedite the shedding process.
  • Skincare Products: The products you use around your eyes can play a role. Oil-based makeup removers and heavy creams can weaken the adhesive bond, leading to frequent lash loss.
  • Sleeping Habits: If you’re a face sleeper, the friction between your lashes and the pillow might contribute to a slightly higher shedding rate.
  • Quality of Extensions: The type of lash extensions and the skill of your lash technician also play a significant role. High-quality extensions, coupled with a professional application, can minimize shedding.

Factors Influencing Lash Shedding with Extensions

Embarking on the journey of eyelash extensions can be a game-changer for those seeking to enhance their natural beauty. However, the longevity and overall success of your lash extensions can be influenced by various factors, with lash shedding being a key concern. This exploration will delve into the intricate web of elements that can affect lash shedding with extensions. We will navigate through the application quality, the type of adhesive used, and the crucial aspects of lash extension weight and length.

Quality of Application

  1. Professional vs. DIY Application

When applying lash extensions, the first fork in the road is deciding whether to go professional or take the DIY route. While the allure of saving money might tempt some to try it at home, the risks associated with self-application can be significant. Professionals bring skills, expertise, and a keen understanding of the intricacies of lash extensions. A DIY approach may lead to uneven application, incorrect angles, and a higher likelihood of lash shedding.

  1. Skill and Experience of the Lash Technician

Even within professional applications, not all lash technicians are created equal. The skill and experience of your lash technician play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of your extensions. A seasoned technician will not only navigate the intricacies of lash placement but also understand your unique eye shape and preferences. This personalized approach minimizes the risk of excess tension on natural lashes, a common culprit behind premature shedding.

Type of Adhesive Used

  1. Overview of Different Adhesive Types

The adhesive used in lash extensions is a critical factor influencing their longevity and the health of your natural lashes. Various types of bonds are available, each with its characteristics. From fast-drying formulas to those designed for sensitive eyes, the suitable adhesive should be chosen based on individual needs. Understanding the nuances of these adhesives can significantly impact the success of your lash extension journey.

  1. Adhesive Compatibility with Natural Lashes

Beyond the adhesive type, compatibility with your natural lashes is crucial. A mismatch between the adhesive and natural lashes can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, and increased shedding. A reputable lash technician will conduct a patch test to ensure that the chosen adhesive is effective and safe for your eyes.

Lash Extension Weight and Length

  1. Impact of Heavier or Longer Extensions on Natural Lashes

The allure of dramatic, voluminous lashes may be tempting, but it’s essential to consider the impact of heavier or longer extensions on your natural lashes. The weight of the extensions can strain your natural lashes, leading to premature shedding. Striking a balance between achieving the desired look and ensuring the health of your natural lashes requires careful consideration of the weight and length of the extensions.

  1. Striking a Balance for Natural-Looking Extensions

Finding the sweet spot between length and weight is the key to natural-looking extensions. A skilled lash technician will assess your natural lashes’ strength and recommend extensions that enhance your beauty without compromising lash health. Choosing extensions that mimic your lashes’ natural growth pattern and thickness contributes to a seamless blend, minimizing the risk of premature shedding.


In conclusion, the journey of lash extensions involves a delicate dance between artistry and science. Factors like the quality of application, whether professional or DIY and the expertise of your lash technician play pivotal roles. The type of adhesive used is crucial, considering its compatibility with your natural lashes. Balancing the weight and length of extensions is an art – go too heavy or prolonged, and your natural lashes might protest. Understanding normal lash shedding, with an average daily loss and variations over time, adds a touch of realism to the glamour. So, fret not if a lash or two bids farewell – it’s all part of the beautifully calculated shedding symphony.


  1. How many lashes is it normal to lose with extensions?

So, the number of lashes you naturally shed with extensions can vary from person to person. On average, it’s normal to lose 1-5 natural lashes daily, even with extensions. Our lashes have a natural growth cycle, and shedding is a part of that process.

  1. How to recognize abnormal lash shedding?

Now, recognizing abnormal lash shedding is critical. If you notice a sudden and significant increase in lash loss, that might be a red flag. Keep an eye out for clumps of lashes falling out or if you’re consistently losing more than 5 natural lashes a day.

  1. What are the steps to minimize lash shedding?

To minimize lash shedding, first and foremost, be gentle! Avoid rubbing your eyes and pulling on your lashes. Using a lash-friendly cleanser and a soft brush to keep them clean without causing damage is a good practice. Also, try not to wear mascara on your extensions, as removing it can lead to more lash loss.

  1. What is the duration of lash extension retention?

The duration of lash extension retention depends on various factors, such as your natural lash growth cycle, aftercare, and the skill of your lash technician. On average, lash extensions can last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. Regular maintenance, like touch-ups every 2-3 weeks, can help extend their life and keep those lashes looking fabulous!

Read More:

Why Are My Natural Lashes Shorter After Extensions?

What Is the Future of Eyelash Extensions? Discover Lash Trends

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