5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying Cat Eye False Lashes

Hey there, gorgeous! Ready to talk lashes? Specifically, cat eye false lashes. They’re the secret weapon in our makeup arsenal for that sultry, eye-catching look. But, oh boy, the journey to mastering their application can be as bumpy as a roller coaster ride. Fear not! Today, we’re breaking down the 5 common mistakes to avoid, turning those bumps into smooth sailing. So, grab your favorite lash glue, and let’s dive in!

1. Skipping the Custom Fit Session

Imagine wearing shoes that are either too tight or too loose. Uncomfortable, right? The same goes for your lashes. Not trimming your falsies to fit your eye shape is a cardinal sin in the world of cat eye lashes. Wearing them straight out of the pack can lead to discomfort and even a droopy look – definitely not what we’re aiming for.

Pro Tip: Measure the lash strip against your eyelid and trim off the excess from the outer edge. This ensures they complement your eye shape, providing comfort and that flawless finish.

2. Going Overboard with Glue

Ah, lash glue – a necessary friend, but a messy foe. Applying too much glue not only makes the application process akin to a sticky mess but can also lead to the lashes not adhering properly. You’ll end up with gluey eyelids and lashes that look ready to fly away at any moment.

Pro Tip: Apply a thin line of glue along the lash band and wait about 30 seconds for it to become tacky. This makes the lashes easier to place and they’ll stick where you want them, not where you don’t.

3. Ignoring the Angle

The allure of cat eye lashes lies in their ability to elongate and lift the eyes. However, applying them straight across or too close to the inner corner can lead to a droopy effect, rather than the desired uplift.

Pro Tip: Start placing the lashes slightly away from the inner corner and angle them upwards as you go towards the outer edge. This technique accentuates the cat eye effect and gives that instant eye-lift look.

4. Neglecting Your Natural Lashes

Your falsies need to blend seamlessly with your natural lashes for that “Are they real or not?” effect. Not prepping your natural lashes can result in a disjointed appearance where the false lashes and your own don’t quite match up.

Pro Tip: Before applying your falsies, give your natural lashes a good curl and apply a coat of mascara. This creates a sturdy base for the false lashes to sit on and helps blend the two for a natural, cohesive look.

5. Overlooking the Power of Eyeliner

Eyeliner is like the secret sauce in your lash routine. Skipping eyeliner can leave a visible gap between your falsies and lash line, shouting to the world, “Hey, these aren’t real!”

Pro Tip: After applying your lashes, use a liquid or gel eyeliner to fill in any gaps between the false lashes and your natural lash line. This not only creates a seamless transition but also enhances the cat eye effect.

Wrapping It Up

Applying cat eye false lashes can feel like performing a delicate ballet – it takes practice, patience, and a bit of know-how. But once you’ve got these tips and tricks down, you’ll be fluttering those lashes like a pro, turning heads wherever you go. Remember, makeup is all about experimentation and fun. So, don’t be afraid to try, fail, and try again.

And there you have it, lovelies – your guide to dodging those common cat eye lash application mistakes. Whether you’re gearing up for a night out or just want to add some drama to your daytime look, keep these tips in mind for a flawless lash application. Now go out there and show off those beautiful eyes. You’ve got this!

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